10 Easy Steps to Increase Website Traffic for Your New Website

10 Tips You Absolutely Need to Know When Starting a New Website

Photo by geralt on Pixabay

Have you just launched a new website? Are you struggling to get the word out about it? Are your existing customers not able to find your new website for some reason? The fact is that getting traffic to your new website is not easy, especially if users have bookmarked your old site and remember its address. And, of course, that’s a problem.

A big one. Until you resolve it, your brand-new site will remain hidden from view. Unless you take action now, the launch of your new website will be seen as an embarrassing misstep rather than an exciting development for your business.

Luckily, there are plenty of things you can do to increase traffic and awareness of your new website fast. In this blog post, we’ll explore 10 strategies – in no particular order – that will help you reach as many people as possible with information about your new URL and help them start using it right away.

Change Your Website’s DNS

The Domain Name System, or DNS, is what allows users to type a simple address into their browser and be taken to the site they want.

When you change your website’s DNS, you change the address that users will see when they go to your site. So, if your new URL is http://channel0401.info/, you’ll want to make sure that your DNS is set up to redirect people to that page whenever they type in your old address.

Add a Notification on Your Existing Site

If you have time to add only one thing to your current site, make it a notification that lets all users know about your new website. A simple pop-up message will suffice, and it’s a great way to let everyone know that you’re still in business, but with a brand-new, up-to-date website.

Some people will be annoyed by this – and they are welcome to navigate away as quickly as they can – but most people will appreciate the heads up and will be grateful for it.

Add a Banner Ad to Your Existing Site

If you have time to do two things on your current site that were mentioned above, create a banner ad that promotes your new site. This will be seen by every single visitor to your old site, and it will ensure that they’re aware of your new URL and encouraged to move their attention and loyalty to the new site as soon as possible.

Add an Announcement in your Mailing List

If your mailing list is active and being used, it’s a great idea to let people know about the new website launch. You may want to include a special promotion or giveaway that is only available to new visitors. This is a great way to reward your loyal fans for their interest in your brand and to encourage them to spread the word about the new website.

Change the Footer of All Pages on your Existing Site

If you have time to do three things on your current site, consider editing the footer of every page to include a link to your new site. That way, even if visitors don’t scroll all the way to the bottom of the page, they’ll still be given a link to click and be taken to your new site.

Send Out an Organised Email Signature Transition Plan

If you have time to do four things on your current site, create a transition plan for the email signature of every member of your team. This could include links to your previous website, the new website, social media accounts, and more. This will help your entire team communicate the new website address to customers as soon as possible and make sure everyone is on the same page about the change.

Offer Free Content or Giveaways for New Visitors Only

If you have time to do five things on your current site, consider creating a special promotion or giveaway that is only available to new visitors. This could be a free consultation, a free guide, or something else that is of value to your customers but not to your existing clients. This helps you to build a stronger relationship with new customers and rewards them for helping to spread the word about your website.

Check if You’re Penalised by Google and How to Recover If You Are

If you have time to do six things on your current site, check whether your website has been penalised by Google. If it has, there are steps you can take to recover your ranking. This is something that should be done sooner rather than later, as the sooner you resolve the problem, the sooner your new site will see an increase in traffic.

Run a Paid Advertising Campaign with Carefully Chosen Keywords

If you have time to do seven things on your current site, consider running a paid advertising campaign with carefully chosen keywords. This could be through a platform like Facebook or Google Ads, or through more specialised advertising sites. This is not a quick fix, but it can drive traffic to your site over time and ensure you’re targeting the right people for your business by using keywords they’re searching for.

Ask Influencers for Help

If you have time to do eight things on your current site, reach out to influencers in your industry and ask them to let their followers know about the new website launch. This could be in the form of a social media post, a blog post, or an email newsletter. This will put your brand in front of a lot of new people who may not have otherwise been aware of your existence.

And this is a great way to get the word out about your cheap website tarffic to new site. Everyone loves a good story, and your brand can be the focus of one if you follow these suggestions to get the word out about your new website. With a little effort and some creativity, you can make sure that everyone knows about the change and is excited about what’s to come.